Certified Pharmacy Technician
Certified Pharmacy Technician (PTs) work under the supervision of pharmacists, assisting them in providing medication to patients. Duties include ordering, stocking, preparing, and packaging medications.
Certified Pharmacy Technicians (PTs) receive prescriptions or refill requests, field phone calls, verify the accuracy of information, prepare the medication. and prepare prescription containers and labels. In New York, PTs can assist pharmacists in filling prescriptions and a pharmacist can supervise up to two PTs.
Work Environment
Certified Pharmacy Technicians (PTs) work in retail pharmacies, pharmacy departments within hospitals, grocery stores, department stores, and retail stores. A small number of PTs work at mail-order or online pharmacies, clinics, and pharmaceutical wholesalers.
Expected to increase 6% between 2022 and 2032.
Median salary range, as stated by the NYS Department of Labor, for Capitol Region, Central NY and Finger Lakes Regions is $37,446-$38,096.

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